Improve Your Flexibility In Sports With Agility Poles

Are you a sports enthusiast and are struggling with your flexibility and quick response techniques. Well, you need to opt for the right training tool that is an agility pole, in order to help yourself in improving your game.

Agility Poles are a portable training tool designed in order to promote an athlete’s ability to make quick, deliberate cuts while training for their sport position. The unit consists of six (6) hard PVC bases and six (6) hard PVC poles, which slide into the hole on the bases.

They are fixed to the ground and players are asked to run through them in a zigzag pattern without stopping. There are different ways of practicing the running pattern:

The Slither:

In this particular form, the player is supposed to step around the pole (1) with the foot inside diagonally. Once the body is positioned in front of the pole, take a few steps, as if running forward. Stay in a low athletic posture as it requires sudden stops and changes of direction in order to move around the pole (2). After the player reached pole (2), step with the inside foot at a diagonal to position the body in front of the pole (3). Now, you need to continue this pattern until the last pole is reached.

The Zig-Zag: 

In a Zig Zag agility pole training players need to first begin running forward to pole (2), positioned directly in front of the pole (1). Then stay in a low athletic posture to foresee a sudden change of direction. After reaching pole (2), quickly change direction and circle around the pole (2). Perform a lateral shuffle diagonally toward pole (3), positioned approximately 3-4 feet from the pole (1). Continue this pattern for the duration of the drill.

So, this is how you can practice using Agility Poles to increase your efficiency in making quick cuts while playing soccer. There are many online sports accessories store such as Alpha Elite Gear that sells quality accessories at online platforms. The best part is all accessories up there are tested by experts.


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